News & Press

Tiger Woods Hires Former Bush Aide Ari Fleisher

Former White House Press Secretary Ari FleisherAri Fleisher, the former press secretary to President George W. Bush has been hired by Tiger Woods to help re-shape his image and plot a comeback to competitive golf. Since leaving the White House, Fleisher has started a company called Ari Fleisher Sports Communications to help athletes “…handle the bad news and take advantage of the good.” The company’s website states “The way the press treats athletes and sports executives has become increasingly adversarial and conflict-driven. Athletes who are trained to give it all and leave it on the field now face a public and a media that demand more.” Fleisher recently helped St. Louis Cardinals Hitting Instructor Mark McGuire with his public admission to using steroids. He also counts Major League Baseball, the NFL and the Green Bay Packers as clients, and College Football’s Bowl Championship Series has also turned to Fleisher amid a push to eliminate the BCS in favor of a playoff system.

Woods and Fleisher reportedly have been working on how to properly handle Tiger’s comeback, and the speculation is that it will happen at the Arnold Palmer Invitational in Orlando, a short drive from where he lives, on March 25. Other reports suggest that he may start with the Tavistock Cup on march 22-23 at his home course and community of Isleworth. Earlier this month, his good friend and neighbor Mark O’Meara stated that he wouldn’t be surprised if Tiger returned at the Tavistock Cup, which has small and very private galleries and isn’t open the the general public. Since making his public apology, there has been much speculation as to when and where Tiger Woods would return to golf. According to a source at the New York Post: “They were in his living room this week going over a strategy for how to handle Bay Hill in two weeks.”

Where as Bush political adviser Karl Rove was frequently referred to as “Bush’s Brain”, perhaps now his former colleague Ari Fleisher will become known as Tiger’s Brain?

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2 thoughts on “Tiger Woods Hires Former Bush Aide Ari Fleisher

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