
Preview – Battle of the Golf Blogs 2013

IMG_2006Every year the golf world comes to Orlando for the annual PGA Merchandise show. While this is certainly an important event, the Battle of the Golf Blogs competition is even more important! Ok, maybe not, but we take it very seriously have a lot of fun with it and so do our sponsors for the event. This year may be the best one yet, because we’ve lined up some top notch companies to help us out, and the venue is second to none and one of my personal all time favorites. Be sure to follow us on Twitter with hashtag #BOGB


The following companies were busting down the door trying to sponsor our little match, and we were happy to oblige them.

  • Since you can’t play without golf balls, Bridgestone Golf was gracious enough to handle that logistical issue. We’ll be playing a variety of their offerings from the B330 to the E6.
  • Since you can’t play golf naked without getting arrested, Fila Golf was very kind to dress us all in a different outfit to show off their extensive line of fashions that look great on or off the golf course.
  • adidas Golf makes some of the finest quality footwear on the planet, so it was awesome when they stepped up to provide us all with a shiny new pair of shoes to wear for the competition.
  • The Venue – Black Diamond Ranch will host us on the world famous Quarry Course. Readers of this site may remember our trip there from 2011. The course is a beauty and a beast and has hosted many notable tournaments. None however, have been as significant or impactful as #BOGB!

 The Contestants

2012-01-26 17.48.17-1Defending #BOGB Champion John Duval of lives in Port Orange, FL. A former ski bum and hockey junkie from Montreal, Canada, he also likes Italian food, making fun of the New York Jets and long walks on the beach. He’s considering going back to school for a Masters Degree in Awesomeness. John has played the Quarry course several times before, and if he loses he’ll blame in on the fact that he can’t putt. Twitter: @into_the_grain

602735_10101676775590122_1211301538_nDave Lair of lives in Orlando, FL and stands on the wrong side of the ball when playing golf. A dedicated family man, Dave is the proud father of three future Masters champions. Dave doesn’t play as often as he used to, which was once in a blue moon to begin with. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him shoot a round in the mid 80s and destroy his low handicap playing partners, but it probably won’t happen because we’ll be heckling him all day. Twitter: @DaveLair

532871_10151242374279097_231195530_nRob Hayashida of comes from Chicago, IL where the wind chill was -14 today. Good call coming to Orlando Rob! One of the better guys in the golf blog world, he enjoys snapping pictures of his competitors mid-backswing and usually has all the latest gadgets to play with, which is fine with us, because it distracts him from his goal of beating us. He’s never played at the Quarry Course before. Boy is he in for a treat! And by treat, I mean penalty shots! Twitter: @GolfViews

tonyTony Korologos of lives in Sandy, UT and can play the drums like nobody’s business. Tony is desperately clinging to a 2.5 handicap, but that is at 5000 feet of elevation. It will balloon to a 6 or 7 at sea level. He’ll try to blame the clubs for his loss of distance but we’ll question his manhood just because we can. Tony loves all things Greek and is a proud pappy of newborn Seve Korologos, soon to be the best golfer in the family. Twitter: @hoggolfblog

One thought on “Preview – Battle of the Golf Blogs 2013

  • Hah! Great post John. I commend your continuing your education in awesomeness, I’ve already received my PHD and have been told my awesome level is pretty much on par with the great “Chuck Norris!”

    Regarding an 80’s round, yeah, if I’m having a bad day… 🙂

    I’m so looking forward to winning this years event.

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