Aquired By The Golf Channel!
Press Release: For Immediate Release
April 1, 2010
PORT ORANGE, Florida. (April 1, 2010) –, one of the web’s fastest growing golf websites, today announced that it has been acquired by The Golf Channel.
This acquisition will be a part of The Golf Channel’s continuing internet expansion and a precursor to their new blog network of sites called Golf Nation.
“Blogging continues to grow in popularity, not only for personal use but by entrepreneurs and businesses around the world. Once seen as a passing fad, blogging has now grown up.” said a Golf Channel representative today. “The Golf Channel’s new professional network of golf blogs called Golf Nation will bring an amazing amount of entertainment value and put a vast array of information into the hands of those wanting more and better golf coverage on the web.” said Golf Channel spokesman Neil Jacobs.
“What better brand to headline this new network of sites with than, a unique blog that has grown popular very fast and consistently produces high quality content.”
“Some have called me a fool for even considering selling,” said site founder John Duval “but I’d be a fool not to allow the Intothegrain brand to be developed by one of the world’s biggest golf media companies. I’m excited to see where The Golf Channel will take going forward.”
The acquisition of will allow Mr. Duval to concentrate on the website full time and follow the professional tours for insider coverage and exclusive access to the players and courses.
Under the terms of the contract, John will remain as editor of Intothegrain over the next 3 years, where he plans to expand the site with more video, live streaming from the tour and regular weekly columns by guest writers and celebrities. “I’m very excited to have the opportunity to pursue my dream of being a full time blogger on the road. I never imagined this would happen at all, and for it to come to fruition after only one year is amazing.” said John. “I’m really looking forward to telling the untold stories and sharing them with true golf fans around the world.”
About was founded by John Duval on March 22, 2009. In just 12 short months, Mr. Duval has taken the site from nothing to becoming an internet media powerhouse. Traffic numbers every month have eclipsed the previous month, and that growth is sure to continue. Since it’s inception, John has dedicated several minutes a day into making the site what it is now. A foolish endeavor? Maybe – but perhaps not as foolish as this press release! Happy 1st Birthday to, and Happy April Fools Day everyone!
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April Fool’s?? or for realz?
Did you read the “About” section?
I just did, still don’t get it man! I see that it’s your 1 year anniversary of the blog though. I’m guessing it’s an April Fool’s joke, but if not… that’s a huge deal and congrats! haha.
I can be quite gullible at times though 🙂
Thats funny stuff! You had me going for about a paragraph or two. Soon enough I am sure this dream will come true for you.
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