
JStewart Custom Golf Bags custom golf bag by JStewart GolfAnyone who knows me can tell you that I like to be different. Just like many golf enthusiasts, I want to be unique and love it when I can get equipment that nobody else has. I was recently in the market for a new golf bag when I discovered JStewart Golf. There are so many golf bags out there that it can sometimes be difficult to choose. Some people stay loyal to a brand, buying a staff bag that matches their preferred equipment vendor, but I’ve switched loyalties so many times it would have been too expensive to buy bags for each new company I like. Some people walk more than ride, and there are plenty of good carry bags out there too, but I so often drag 15 to 20 clubs out to the course with me for testing and reviews, that I need more space than a stand bag has to offer.

What I was looking for was a  lightweight staff bag that was brand neutral while still making a statement, and Jstewart Golf came to the rescue. Based in Hong Kong, JStewart Golf makes one-off custom golf bags. Started by professional golfer James Stewart, he supplies custom staff bags to many touring pros around the world. Not only do they specialize in custom bags, but they also supply custom branded gloves, hats, golf towels, golf pouches, umbrellas & shoe bags. most of the products they make are manufactured in the same factories that most of the major golf brands use for their own products. custom golf bag by JStewart GolfThe selection of golf bag styles available is extensive. There are eight different staff bag styles available, with different sizes and features. I selected the JS Mini Tour Bag (Shown above). It is a mini-staff bag with a 8.5″ opening, 6 pockets and firm indented side panels. It is smaller than most full size staff bags and weighs only about 11 pounds. I sent my website logo to them in vector (.EPS) format and waited for about a month. The lead time is usually 45 days for a custom bag, so make sure you give them enough time to complete it. You can use the website to design your own bag, or leave it up to them to design it around your logo and color selections. I decided to leave the design and colors up to them since they know their bags better than I do, and it turned out great.

JS Premium Tour BagThe bag was shipped directly to me and arrived well within the lead time. I was immediately impressed with the quality and finish of the bag. The photos look nice, but to truly appreciate the finished product you have to see it up close in person. The black trip parts are in a faux carbon fiber look which adds a cool texture look to the bag. The embroidery and overall finish is top notch, and every bit as good as any of the best quality golf bags I’ve seen. The website ring that runs around the bottom is a neat touch, and you can even have the shoulder strap embroidered. I’m very happy with this bag. It’s a quality built golf bag that has plenty of space without being too heavy. I can carry extra clubs and other gear in it, and it looks great. People are always coming up to me to ask about it, which almost always leads to questions about the price.

A custom made, one of a kind golf bag isn’t cheap. Expect to pay about $420 for the JS Mini Tour Bag. If you are going to spend over $300 for a staff bag from a major golf brand, paying an extra hundred or so isn’t a big deal for a custom job. The market for these bags is largely professional golfers, corporate purchases and enthusiasts like me, but anyone that wants to stand out in the crowd of branded golf bags can order one. I’m very happy with mine, and I highly recommend JStewart Golf bags  to anyone in the market for a great, original golf bag!

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