
Phillis Meti Hits World Record 413 Yard Drive with Exotic EXS Driver

In case you missed it, World Long Drive held their first event of the season the other day. The Ak-Chin Smash in the Sun was held near Phoenix, Arizona and televised on the Golf Channel.

In the women’s final, the three-time and defending WLD World Champion Phillis Meti broke her own world record of 406 yards by hitting a drive 408 yards, then followed it up with a ridiculous 413-yard blast using her Tour Edge Exotics EXS driver. Meti has won two of the last three world titles with an Exotics driver in play.

If you’ve ever used a launch monitor to track your drives, you’ll no doubt be impressed with the 127 MPH club head speed and 182 MPH ball speed she recorded on the record setting drive.

“It hasn’t really even sunk in,” said Meti. “I didn’t even think that was possible. That’s probably the fastest I’ve ever swung it to be honest. Hopefully, I can stay on this path and keep riding the roller coaster for the rest of the season.”

Meti’s Driver – Exotics EXS

“The EXS driver is a $299 driver that has now won numerous awards and that has been put into play on the PGA Tours, but this takes the cake,” said Tour Edge President David Glod. “For Phillis to hit 408 and 413 and produce those kinds of ball speed numbers means that she is an extremely great long driver and that the EXS driver is the perfect fit and the perfect driver for her quest to become the world’s greatest.”

The new Exotics EXS driver represents one of the best values in golf by combining many of the same technologies you’ll find in drivers that cost $500 or more, yet they sell for only $299. Not only that, but all Exotics clubs are hand built in the United States in Batavia, Illinois and every Tour Edge club comes with a Lifetime Warranty and a 30-day play guarantee.

For more information on Phillis Meti and World Long Drive:


For more information about Tour Edge and Exotics golf clubs, visit:


I Wanna Do That!

Interested in getting into the sport of long drive? You don’t have to turn pro and compete with the big boys and girls on the WLD – Start at the grassroots level by joining ALD – Amateur Long Drive!

The Amateur Long Drive Championship Series has local tours starting up all around the country and regional events all leading to the ALD World Championships in Myrtle Beach.

What separates ALD from the rest? ALD has 14 divisions to compete in! There are Boys & Girls Youth (13 & under), Junior (13 – 17) and Men’s and Women’s Open (17+), Senior (45-60), Super Senior (60+), Veteran and Adaptive divisions.

Long drive is fun, fast paced and growing quick all around the country! For more information, rules and to sign up for an ALD event near you, visit www.amateurlongdrive.com

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