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Tiger Woods’ Wife Elin Nordegren Visits Him in Sex Rehab Clinic

We haven’t written about Mr. Woods and his little personal drama in some time, and frankly it’s been nice. But as the speculation about his whereabouts and return date continue to mount, it seems there has been a newsworthy event recently that we feel obligated to cover. It seems like Tiger’s wife Elin Nordegren, who was going to file for divorce according to many reports, has spent some time with Tiger at a sex rehab clinic in Mississippi.

Of course, since all hell broke loose on Thanksgiving weekend the media have been watching Tiger, Elin and anybody else in the Woods entourage like hawks. Tiger has proved quite elusive to the media, sneaking around of friends’ private jets and disguising himself like Hollywood stars often do. The latest report had Tiger holed up in a Hattiesburg, Mississippi sex rehab clinic called The Pine Grove Behavioral Heath & Addiction Services Treatment Center. Many have expected a divorce, but a source said “the marriage is not over, they both want to save it”. Elin has been at the center for an unknown amount of time, somewhere between 5 days and a week, and is there purportedly to take part in the treatment with Tiger.

The center has had tight security in the past few weeks as stories broke of Tiger’s attendance. A private security force has apparently been hired to protect Elin from the media while in town. I would say that this is a good sign for Tiger and family. It seems he is willing to do whatever it takes to save his marriage and family, even if it means more public humiliation and ruthless questioning from the media. Oh, wait. He hasn’t addressed the media. Hmmm.

When Tiger does return, the media circus will no doubt be a huge distraction to him and everyone around the tournament he shows up at. Some have suggested that he should call a press conference before his first PGA Tour event to weed out the throngs of questioning and at least make the tabloid media happy. Considering he has basically stonewalled the press up to this point, Tiger’s best option to me is to call a press conference and answer any and all questions for as long as it takes to clear the air. It will be tough for him, but get it over with and at the end of the day you can close the book on the “transgressions” and move on with his golf career. Then, when he shows up at his first tournament of the year, he can answer just golf questions. Now, let the speculation begin as to where and when El Tigre will return!

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